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Snake Plant - Black Robusta

Snake Plant - Black Robusta

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price $24.99 USD Sale price $10.00 USD
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4" Potted Plant

The Sanseveria Black Robusta, more commonly known as the Snake Plant or the mother-in-law's tongue has dark green leaves with light variegation of light green.

They have become extremely popular due to their hardiness and striking appearance. These Plants can put up with almost anything! Even those without a green thumb will find these plants easy to care for.

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    Medium, indirect light. Direct, bright sunlight should be avoided.


    Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry. Water thoroughly and frequently.


    Does well at room temperature between 60°F - 77°F.


    Prefers higher levels of humidity, around 75% or above.

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