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Biochar Soil - 1 lb Bag

Biochar Soil - 1 lb Bag

Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price $41.99 USD Sale price $27.00 USD
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Biochar is found in soils around the world as a result of vegetation fires and historic soil management practices. Intensive study of biochar-rich dark earth in the Amazon (terra preta), has led to a wider appreciation of biochar’s unique properties as a soil enhancer.

Biochar also improves water quality and quantity by increasing soil retention of nutrients and agrochemicals for plant and crop utilization. More nutrients stay in the soil instead of leaching into groundwater and causing pollution.

In addition to creating a soil enhancer, sustainable biochar practices can produce oil and gas byproducts that can be used as fuel, providing clean, renewable energy. When biochar is buried in the ground as a soil enhancer, the system can become “carbon negative.”

***Please note, that we will no longer be able to ship this fertilizer to California due to agricultural restrictions***

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    Medium, indirect light. Direct, bright sunlight should be avoided.


    Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry. Water thoroughly and frequently.


    Does well at room temperature between 60°F - 77°F.


    Prefers higher levels of humidity, around 75% or above.

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